Design Application Consulting

DAC Robotics

DAC Robotics provides experience and leadership as a solution architect for innovative warehouse automation designs and applications.  We specialize in receiving and replenishment for AMR based fulfillment systems as well as fully integrated warehouse automation designs managed by WCS, WES and WMS.

We focus on innovation and design applications utilizing Robotics, Conveyor and warehouse automation software technology (WES), including developing the OEM and integrator teams.

Integrator Development and Support

DAC Robotics develops the essential components to build and support an integrator sales channel for DAC Robotics

Product Development and Innovation

DAC Robotics provides application design oversight and leadership to develop market driven MHE Automation products. Specifically, applications utilizing robotics, machines, conveyor and software for specialty work cells requiring phased development and testing.

System Design And Analysis For End Users

Consulting Design team assess existing MHE and WES systems functionality and capacity. Then reviews historical and projected operational performance requirements to determine solutions and priority of enhancements for system implementation.

Operational Reviews

Process Flow charting
Data Analytics
KPI Measurables
Ergonomic Evaluations

Applications & Designs

DAC Robotics provides experience and leadership as a solution architect for innovative warehouse automation designs and applications.  We specialize in receiving and replenishment for AMR based fulfillment systems as well as fully integrated warehouse automation designs managed by WCS, WES and WMS.

Innovation leadership
in Warehouse Automation.

The evolution of distribution…

other technologies

ABOT, Decant and Depalletizing integrate with WES & WCS systems along with other key automation to improve the inbound receiving, overall facility operation and outbound fulfillment process.