box cutting

Historically, the demand for automatic box cutting has been driven by highly repetitive and typical or “uniform” boxes being opened that are also tied to a secondary automated process. The best example is master packs of cigarettes at DC’s, where the boxes need to be opened, stamped (taxonomy by state) and then re-packed for shipping.

Today’s eCommerce and Multichannel requirements have introduced new reasons to open a much higher percentage of boxes inside distribution or fulfillment centers. eCommerce Fulfillment centers need to open nearly every master pack “box” or container.

Box opening is performed in three specific areas at Fulfillment and Omni Channel centers:

Automating the decant process

Requires WES or WMS software to manage workflow and allocate product by forecasted demand or actual demand to a destination within the facility. The Automatic / Automated box opening and decant process needs to be included in that workflow.

Innovation Alert: Goods to operator systems are driving automatic box opening, if you implement a G2O system for your fulfillment operation, you will need automated box opening!

One of the challenges

automating box opening is the variety of box types and sizes that need to be opened. Traditionally boxes destined for this automated cell were uniform in size and construction and the machine only had to maintain a few basic cut parameters or “recipes”.

The range of box types and sizes replenishing todays fulfillment systems is much broader and the cut parameters and recipe index is considerably more complex. This expanded box range also requires precision and speed to open all types of boxes accurately and efficiently without damaging the inventory or packaging inside the Master packs.

abot specialties

Typically, these machines had to identify 2 to 5 individual boxes and automatically choose from the same range of settings using simple diffused photo eyes to identify the box and associated recipe. The depth of cut and pressure applied were a fixed setting that required no adjustment to suit varying box construct. The equipment was set up to be accurate for the limited range of boxes being processed, if not for one single box type only.

The complex imaging systems, box aligners and cutting tool controls required to process what is now over a million box types and sizes has facilities resigned to using manual work cells that require a great deal of space and operators to keep up with demand.

At this time...

there is only one automatic box opener that has the ability to open the vast range of boxes in any sequence with a precise imaging system that immediately provides a perfect image of any box, including damaged or mis figured boxes, then control the box and precisely operate the cutting tool with variable pressure and angle to ensure an accurate cut that allows for easy lid removal by a robot or operator.

The ABOT has advanced the range of boxes that can be opened automatically to the level required for completely automated decanting processes. Including decant and removal of over 90% of all General merchandise, dry grocery and Health and Beauty products.

Innovation leadership in Warehouse Automation. The evolution of distribution…